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How does Trine make improvements to the website or product?

A/B Testing

Liz Mwangi avatar
Written by Liz Mwangi
Updated over a week ago

At Trine, we take a proactive approach to refining our platform to serve our investors in the most efficient and effective way possible. We firmly believe that anyone who comprehends the potential of our product would be inspired to invest to improve people's standard of living, save the planet and help sustainable growth. We are constantly on the move, aiming to simplify the complex nature of regulated products and investments and ensuring our platform caters to our investors.

How do we know what works best?

To determine the optimal strategies for enhancing our platform, we turn to A/B testing, a critical analytical tool prevalent in the tech industry. The objective here is not merely to attract more investors to our site but to facilitate a simplified transaction flow and display information in the clearest manner possible. Our goal is never to restrict information but rather to work out how to present it in a way that is both accessible and easy to understand, thereby fostering informed decision-making. This transparency and clarity in information representation often lead to a higher retention of investors on our site, as they find value in the straightforward and efficient transaction processes.

History and information about A/B testing:

A/B testing, a pivotal tool for website optimization, emerged in the late 1990s to early 2000s with the growth of the internet. Initially adopted by pioneering companies like Google in the early 2000s, its use became more mainstream around the mid-2000s as more businesses sought to understand user preferences and enhance their online presence. The late 2000s and early 2010s saw a significant development with the introduction of user-friendly A/B testing tools by platforms like Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer, democratising the testing process. In recent years, A/B testing has established itself as an industry standard, extending its scope beyond websites to encompass mobile apps, email campaigns, and other digital platforms, helping businesses fine-tune their strategies based on data-driven insights. A/B Testing, also known as split testing, is a method used to compare two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better against chosen metrics. This data-driven approach helps to eliminate guesswork in website design, crafting a more user-centric webpage. The majority of successful online companies, from e-commerce behemoths to tech startups, employ A/B testing as a staple in their toolkit to continually evolve and meet user expectations.

Other websites which use A / B Testing:

  • 75% of the top 500 online retailers use an A/B testing platform

  • Google: One of the early adopters of A/B testing, Google has been using this methodology extensively to make data-driven decisions. In one of their famous A/B tests, they tested 41 shades of blue to find out which one generates more clicks. This meticulous attention to detail has been a hallmark of their approach.

  • Amazon: Amazon constantly employs A/B tests to optimise their website. It's known that they once found through A/B testing that by implementing a new website feature, they could potentially increase their annual revenue by up to $200 million.

  • Netflix: Netflix utilises A/B testing for everything from the design of the content thumbnails to different user interface layouts. Their commitment to A/B testing helps them to constantly fine-tune user experiences.

  • Facebook: Facebook is another prolific user of A/B testing. In its early days, it used A/B tests to determine the optimal placement of advertisements, which has been a significant factor in their revenue generation.

  • This travel fare aggregator website constantly runs thousands of A/B tests per year. They attribute much of their ability to optimise user experiences and increase conversion rates to this approach.

  • Microsoft: Microsoft is known to use A/B testing not just in web environments but also in the development of products like Windows and Office, helping them to understand user preferences and adapt their products accordingly.

Benefits of A/B testing:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Through A/B testing, we pinpoint and adopt elements that resonate well with users, offering a streamlined and pleasant browsing journey.

  • Personaliszation: A/B testing aids us in understanding our users' preferences more intimately, enabling us to tailor content and features that align with their needs and tastes.

  • Increased Satisfaction: Continual optimization of our platform through A/B testing nurtures a seamless user experience, fostering trust and elevating overall satisfaction.

  • Better Engagement and Retention: Users tend to engage more and remain loyal to a platform that caters to their needs and preferences, an outcome we aim to achieve through diligent A/B testing.

Through this meticulous approach, we are not just aiming to attract more investors, but to build a community of satisfied and informed investors who appreciate the transparency and user-friendliness that Trine offers.

Common misconceptions of A / B testing

A common misconception held by customers regarding A/B testing is the notion that it is a tool designed to manipulate or deceive users into taking certain actions or making purchases they otherwise wouldn't. In reality, the primary purpose of A/B testing is to enhance the user experience by understanding and catering to customer preferences more effectively. This misconception often stems from a lack of understanding that these tests are grounded in improving user satisfaction, not exploiting it.

Another fallacy is the belief that A/B testing infringes on individual privacy, with detailed personal information being tracked and analysed. In fact, A/B testing predominantly operates on aggregated data, focusing on general trends rather than personal data, adhering to strict privacy regulations that safeguard individual information.

Furthermore, the idea that all users are viewing the same website content may lead to misunderstandings about personalised experiences; however, the goal here is to tailor content to better suit different user groups, fostering a more personalised and efficient user experience. Thus, A/B testing serves as a method to align products more closely with user needs and preferences, debunking the misconception of it being a deceitful or intrusive practice.

How do we make sure we are treating investors fairly if we don’t treat them all the same?

Our commitment to fair treatment of all investors is unwavering. Even as we employ A/B testing to refine user experiences, we uphold strict ethical boundaries, ensuring an equal playing field for all investors. To do this we have set very strict and simple red lines which we will not cross:

  • Equal Access to Investment Information: We guarantee that all investors have access to the same detailed and accurate investment information, fostering informed decision-making.

  • Uniform Investment Terms: Trine assures that all investors receive identical investment terms, promoting equity and fairness.

  • Regulatory Compliance: We adhere diligently to S-FSA and other relevant regulatory guidelines, maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and business practice.

Through this steadfast approach, we aspire to create a transparent and equitable investment environment where every investor finds value and trust.

If you have any questions about our A/B testing, contact us at

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