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Information about taxes

This article contains general information. As an investor you are responsible for reporting your taxes and providing correct information.

Liz Mwangi avatar
Written by Liz Mwangi
Updated over a week ago

Investing with Trine means that as soon as a repayment hits your Trine account you are liable for taxes. If you have registered your Swedish personal identity number for your Trine account and your tax liability is in Sweden, Trine will provide a statement of interest earnings to the Swedish Tax Agency on your behalf. This will be prefilled on your tax declaration. For information in Swedish, read more here.
โ€‹Please ensure that the information is correct and submit any additional information that might be requested from the Tax Authority before sending in your tax report.

Trine will not be able to report any kind of information about taxation in the case where:

  • You invest on behalf of a company

  • You have tax liability in Sweden but have not registered your personal identification number for your Trine account

  • You have tax liability in another country than Sweden

In all these cases you will need to provide all required information for your tax declaration yourself. It is important to understand that you are solely responsible for submitting any additional information, such as potential profit and loss of capital or currency gains and losses, related to your Trine investments if the Tax Authority in the country where you have tax liability requests this information.

We kindly direct all questions and inquiries about tax reporting to the Tax Authority in the country where you have a tax liability.

How do I find information about my investments?

You can find a summary of all your transactions in your Dashboard, under the tab 'Transactions'. In this summary, you can see a breakdown of interest paid per year and losses that should be declared. You can filter on all incoming and outgoing transactions as well as download your Annual Statement.

Trine is not a tax advisor and directs questions or issues regarding tax reporting to the Tax Authority in the country where you have tax liability.

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